Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blood Falls & Arterial Motion

     I created "Blood Falls"  (Right) years as a tribute to the events that transpired on September 11th. To me it symbolizes both tragady & rebirth. On 9-11, so much blood fell from the skies that we as a country cried. But whenever there is great loss, great goodness is soon to be found. For me blood is symbolic of life's renewal also. We joined together as a country to fight, to cry, to mourn, & to give. People banded together after the tragedy. Pride of country emerged. How many of us, gave blood at the Red Cross in the following weeks or donated to a worthy cause? The American Spirit may take a beating, but it's heart continues to pump & rebuild.

I created Arterial Motion (Left) shortly after I created the piece called 'Blood Falls'. Both pieces were made during the Summer of 2007, almost five years after the tragic events of September 11th. Although many years have passed, the images of that day are still very fresh in my mind. To me, 'Arterial Motion' , represents the blood boiling in our veins. It says how life continues to go on, how we continue to live, & how the spirit cannot be killed.

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